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Carpet Fibers




Why Do Carpets 

Shed & Fuzz?




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Foot- Traffic Test





Problems with 

Berber Carpet




Choosing The 

Right Carpet Fiber





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Alan's Free

Carpet Durability

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Best & Worst Places to Buy New Carpet





Carpet Wrinkles?

Top 10 Causes  Revealed





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DuPont™ Sorona® Polymer (PTT), Smartstrand® by Mohawk TM



More Useful Links: 

HowToBuyCarpet.com     AbcCarpets.com     CarpetSupersite.com 


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How to Select a Carpet that Meets Your Needs, Lifestyle & Budget


Welcome to my Carpet Buying website.  This is the only website you can learn the whole truth about the complicated carpet buying process. You'll discover the smart ways to select the right carpet for you that will meet your needs and lifestyle, and be absolutely sure you have your carpet installed properly. You also will learn the tricks and secrets to getting a fair and square deal and avoid the dozens of common carpet buying mistakes that so many misinformed consumers make, and how to avoid the Common  Carpet Scams!


I've been in the carpet business over 30 years, but I don't sell carpet anymore. I am the author of five carpet and flooring guidebooks and a nationally recognized consumer advocate since 1998. My unbiased Carpet Buying advice is distributed in major newspapers, national magazines, trade papers and newsletters all over the world. 

My passion is helping consumers select the right carpet that will meet their needs, lifestyle and budget. I encourage you to read through my entire site, read all my FREE Carpet Buying Articles and other information, browse through over 200 Carpet Buying  Q & A and e-mail me with any carpet questions you may have. I offer my "Ask The Expert" e-mail service absolutely free of charge. You can e-mail me with your carpet buying questions whenever you need a second opinion or a little more information to help you along your carpet buying journey. It's all free. 


I also offer my 136-page instantly downloadable eBook that you would be smart to download and read before you make your final carpet selection. The Complete Carpet Buying Guide is only $9.99 on Amazon.com and it contains my Carpet Buying knowledge from over 30-years in this business and provides you with a wealth of usable information to help you save time, money and headaches.  It's a great deal and you really need it!


More Carpet Information:


The History of Carpet

In-Home Carpet Scams  

The Bait and switch scam (You are here)

Measuring scams

Determine Your Level of Foot Traffic

Carpet Fibers 1 Nylon and Olefin

Carpet Fibers 2  Polyester and Sorona® 

Alan's Preferred Carpet Dealer Directory

The Complete Carpet Buying Guide










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